Beverly Caulking has access to, and uses, a variety of products, manufactured by producers that specialize in high-end caulking and sealing materials for commercial, industrial and institutional projects.
The products we use have a proven record of longevity, most of them expecting to last in excess of 25 years with no loss of elasticity and adhesion. Some products might fade in colour over that time if exposed to excessive UV rays, but the caulking products that we use today are quite remarkable in their stability.
Brands and types of sealants to be used will be discussed with the customer at the time of delivering the estimate. Data Sheets and colour samples will also be available at that time.
We use a variety of sealants depending on the nature of the job. From exterior waterproofing to interior trim work to firestop systems. There is a lot to learn about the many materials that will support and protect your home.